How to Choose a Trustee

If you create a trust, you will need a separate person or institution, called a “trustee,” to manage the trust either now or in the future, depending on the type of trust.  

Trick or Treat Estate Planning

Here is a scary story that I have heard over and over again. Tom has been stricken by a sudden illness and has become incapacitated. Tom is in the hospital.  It appears that he may never regain his mental faculties.  He has a son with his own disabilities.  Tom’s health and assets need to be… Read More »

What Will My Survivors Need To Know

  Here is a list of information that your family needs to know after you pass away in order to make it easier for them to handle the estate and inheritance issues that may arise.  It can be very costly for your family not to know these things. A lack on knowledge could cause delay in… Read More »